Saturday, November 15, 2008

Morality infusion

I heard on the radio this morning that French president Sarkhozy is proposing a reformation of the capitalist market system. The key part of the reformation mentioned on the radio was that Sarkhozy wants to infuse morality into the system. The host (in)judiciously juxtaposed Sarkhozy's call with President Bush by saying they were butting heads. Does this mean President Bush opposes morality in the economy? I've tried to be fair to Bush, as hard as that is sometimes. But the next quote was, "President Bush says that the capitalist system has worked fine for sixty years. So why change it?" So maybe he does oppose morality in capitalism.

I can't say French capitalism is the best thing in the world. But I have my suspicions. I hope the meetings of the G20 nations, whether they bring about socialist capitalism or not, do bring morality back to the table. And shame on the American conservatives for lambasting those godless other people for insisting on keeping morality.

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