Thursday, November 17, 2011

Water and bridges

I was typing an e-mail the other day, and I naturally felt the urge to combine two cliches in a unique and thought-provoking (to me) way. Okay, so, natural for me, but probably just weird to the reader and everyone else.

However, I enjoy the result of the combination, as it describes the nexus of time and event. People who obsess over personality often term themselves or others as "time-oriented" or "event-oriented." While my new not-yet-cliche doesn't deal specifically with that aspect of personality, it brings an awareness of time and an attention to the event. Yet it's also a bit carefree about time, and given the usual context of the central cliche, it gives a strange sense of preregret. After all the setup . . .

We'll cross the water going under that bridge when we come to it.

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