Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Being truly human

I just read an interesting and depressing and thought-provoking post by Don Miller: http://donmilleris.com/2008/12/23/lucy-and-me/. He features his very cute puppy Lucy. Most of my comment on his blog, I've reposted here, since it involves the sort of musing I try to foster here. Might be good to read his post first.

What a phenomenal (ly depressing) post! I think you’re getting at something we all need to reflect on. I was having similar thoughts when my company reduced our paychecks to 32 hours and said with a wink, “Now, don’t work more than 32 hours!” I work for two different publishing departments. You think I would want to only work 32 hours? My life would be hell!

So I’m trying to find the human balance between über-diligence (where I snap at people around me that I don’t have time to talk) and slackitude. NT Wright said it well: We’re not computers made of meat. Where is the balance, particularly when you feel you’ve reattached enough participles for the day? Our ancestors lived hard lives, but they knew when they were done plowing their plot or sowing or harvesting. Our informational work never ends.


pBerry said...

No Comment.


Where did Wright say that? It's a great quote.

John said...

He said it at the conference focused on sacraments at Calvin in January 2007.