Friday, April 9, 2010

Nerdy poetry I wrote today


The millennium
Is it a thousand years long?
Or a metaphor?

It will probably
involve the wedding supper
of the ewe’s Offspring.

What’s all this besides
the consummation of the
kingdom to come?

A place of justice,
mercy, and love abounding;
fullest creation.

Bible images
telling of restoration,
reign of true human.

Spicy foods. Fitting
for a reception? Chili
makes me say, “Mmm-hmmmm.”

If it’s a thousand
or a thousand million years,
it will not matter.


Unknown said...

Not even close to Vogon level. YOU MUST STUDY HARDER YOUNG ONE.

Seriously though this is really nerdy. However the non-nerdy thing is that you have got some huge cajones for sharing with us.

John said...

Mercifully, I wasn't trying for Vogon poetry. Even if I was, I'm sure I'd fail.

I have to qualify that a co-worker told me it would be "genius" if I could fit together all the ideas I mentioned to him. I did fit them together, but he never conferred "genius" on the actual piece. Oh well.