Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Trickle-down economics

I've been thinking about said Reaganomics lately, since one of my conservative friends has been asking me about such things. Rather than doing substantive research about why it doesn't work (because I don't have time), I've been using my idle time on my bike to come up with lame, pithy sayings denigrating trickle-down economics. I take full responsibility for them.

"The only thing trickling down in trickle-down economics is urine down the leg of the conservative fat cats laughing so hard at how stupid America is that they can't control their spigots."

After a more biblical fashion (though piss is very KJV):
"Why would anything having to do with economic justice be good or sufficient if it trickled down when Amos says, 'Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!'?"

My apologies. I'm concerned that no matter what, extra money ends up in the hands of corporations. Competition may drive prices down at some points, and less tax may allow that a bit more. But there's plenty that a company can do to help us realize that we need their product, and that we are desperate to pay way more than it should be worth for it. Marketing cancels out the good effects of trickling.

I'm not sure why, but Starbucks sounds really good right now!

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