Friday, July 10, 2009


My wife and I took a comfort food break at McDonald's, and I'm amazed at the thinly veiled, yet clever marketing.

The fries told me that I love them so much because McDonald's uses the highest quality potatoes. I suppose this means there's a secret potato farm that other restaurants only dream of locating. Could it be what they fry those excellent potatoes in?

The cup tells me that there's a natural correlation between my enjoyment of the fries and my desire for a cold soft drink. The Colonel's been accused of putting an addictive chemical in his chicken, but could it be that McDonald is doing this with the fries? *Once they taste the fries, they'll be compelled to pay way too much for a drink . . . *

The burger wrapper said the made the burger just for me. I did order it plain, but at no point in the process did anyone think of me.

All of this drivel is meant to make me feel good—and they make millions off of millions of people—but they must be praying I don't think while I enjoy their addictively excellent potatoes.

1 comment:

pBerry said...

I think that's the brilliance of it. For some people, it's all about the subliminal marketing. For others, it's about the comfort/addiction. Either way, McDonals wins because you're talking about them.