Thursday, June 5, 2008


This is totally not what you think it is. I'm talking about sprinkling . . . as I rode my bike into work today. Given exorbitant gas prices, I figure I'll do my part to lessen demand. So today was my first day taking the bus. I've never ridden the bus in this town, and it's not terribly convenient for me. From the house, I have to ride my bike about four miles to WalMart. Then at the other end, I will typically need to ride my bike a little more than a mile. The driver this morning was really nice and took an unplanned stop where I only needed to ride about a quarter of a mile. This was merciful given the icy rain falling. The odd thing is, it only rains in the morning about twice a year here. Therefore, I count this a christening of saving money, gas, etc. I'm just glad it wasn't immersion.

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