Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I finished my Church History final on Friday night, which means I now have my first seminary class under my belt! I worked my butt off last week studying for the final so that I didn't have to take my test in a panic to meet the deadline (as happened with my midterm). The studying went fairly well.

I was shooting to start the three hour exam at 8 pm so I could be in bed by 11, before the midnight deadline. I didn't quite meet that goal, but I started at 9 and e-mailed the test in about 11. I was so excited that I actually got something done an hour before the deadline! I would exactly call it early, but it was a major stride for me.

I'm going to build on that success this summer, since I'm taking two classes by distance learning. All course work is due 9/19, but I'm already panicky. I need to listen to forty hours of lecture and read 3,000 pages. And write four five-page papers and take two essay tests. Yikes.

The topics and books are interesting. I'm taking Systematic Theology 2: Reconciliation and the Healing of Persons, and Christian Ethics. I'vs at a Bible school, but the material I've encountered so far for these editions sounds far more intriguing.

Back to reading!

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